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Tax Advisory
Tax Preparation Bookkeeping
Tax Advisory | Tax Preparation | Bookkeeping

High Quality Professional Service with a Small Firm Personal Touch


Do You Worry You Are Missing Out?

You hear stories about how having your own business can save you thousands of dollars, yet you are not seeing that money in your pocket. You think you are optimizing your tax situation but you fear you are missing big tax opportunities. You hope you are doing everything right but you just don’t know for sure.

You Need Tax Security

Tax Security is when you:

Make the best tax decisions for your business and your family

Pay no more in tax than you need to

File accurately and on-time to avoid attention from an auditor

Enjoy tax outcomes that make others stop and take notice

Achieving Tax Security

As a small business owner, we know you are swamped just trying to do your job. You need a guide to identify the areas where you can be making better decisions and saving money. You need a partner who will hold you accountable and be sure you don’t miss deadlines. You need a champion who will celebrate your successes with you.

How it works

  1. Review our Tax Programs HERE
  2. Complete our intake form so we can learn more about you
  3. Schedule an introductory meeting If we are a good fit we will schedule a free 30-minute meeting to discuss your current needs.
  4. Join Our Program Sign up for the tax program that optimizes your tax situation, saves you money, and makes you feel more secure.
  5. Enjoy your success. With each business cycle you will enjoy more and more Tax Security, leading to more confidence and more money in your pocket.



Client Testimonials

“Moving all my tax prep to Cromwell was one of the best financial decisions I’ve made in a long time. In our initial hour, Madelyne identified an amendment needed on my prior year return and a special deduction as a buyer of a S-Corp, that was missed. This resulted in a savings of $10,000 the first year."
“Madelyne’s tax advice saved me $36,000. I was in the process of selling my business and made a preliminary deal with a colleague. I mentioned it to Madelyne, and she told me my deal was fine, but we could do better. I am very happy to have that extra money in my pocket for retirement.”
“I neglected tax planning during COVID but thanks to Madelyne, I am back on track! My Corporation started making money again in 2022 but I was so busy that I kept ignoring Madelyne’s calls to make a tax plan. She finally forced me to meet, and I am so glad she did. She recommended a retirement plan that saved me $2500 in the first year and more than that in the second. You can be sure that now I show up for meetings when Madelyne asks me to!”
“Too much of my time was devoted to paperwork until I hired Cromwell. Now their team maintains my bookkeeping, monitors my payroll, files my worker’s comp reports, and handles the payment of all my quarterlies — so I don’t have to worry about anything but running my business.”

why Cromwell?

The tax law changes daily and it can be exhausting to keep up. Many tax preparers stop learning and just shuffle you through the process – the result to you is a tax return that is “fine” and tax advice that is uninspired.

That is not the experience at Cromwell. We love taxes! (weird, right?) We spend hundreds of hours each year studying tax law to find new opportunities to save you money. The tax strategies we put in place are solid and defensible (not something that will catch the eye of an auditor). We develop plans that will optimize your tax situation at a risk level you are comfortable with and save you money.

Our Blog

Our blog highlights timely items of interest for our clients. We don’t post a lot, but when we do it is useful information.

LOGO - Cromwell Tax is apart of the American institute of professional bookkeepers
Logo - Cromwell Tax is apart of the North Bay Enrolled Agents
LOGO - Cromwell Tax is apart of the IEA and NAEA
LOGO - Cromwell Tax is apart of Sonoma County Executives Association